What will "Current Age" comics be called in the future?
Silly Question, but the current generation of American comics are called "Current Age" or "Modern Age" comics.What will they be called when comic book size standards are different, or when a new comic book age is brought in?
Will we still call them "current\modern", or will they get another name like "copper" or "Iron" Age comics? Artistic Age as there more art work than story. I read that as autistic age the first time that I saw it. Overpriced, multiple cover bollox age. I remember when re started reading comics and a guy in the market hall had two stacks of comics and more or less in each pile were that month DC and Marvel comics and about 3-4 of each. You be lucky to get two stacks of the same company today.
I also read some early issues of Marvel and they take me about the same time to read one as I do 4-5 of today's. I don't know if this correct but in 1963 when the first X-Men came out at 12 cent I entered it in this inflation >calculator https://www.avforums.com/attachments/inflation-63-to-17-jpg.863120/ Ah, I see that you've just received the new Marvel\DC summer lineup. You do know that there are "other" comic book publishers besides Marvel and DC, don't you? I don't personally own any pre 1980s comics, as I tend to buy comics as they come out rather than collection historic editions. So all of my early comics are ones that I owned as a child. Particularly He-Man and Transformers comic, which is what I was into in those days (You couldn't get most Marvel or DC comics where I lived, and I wasn't in to the ones that I could get).
The paper on the comics form back then was much thinner than the modern paper. Particularly the He-man comics was almost like greaseproof paper from the kitchen. The colours were not as rich and vibrant, and the level of detail was significantly lower than it is today. There were also problems where the different colour layers would sometimes not line up so you'd have a characters costume millimetre or so over to one side of the body.
All in all, the comics that I buy today are far superior to the ones from back then. At least in terms of paper quality and printing techniques.
Maybe other comics were better than the ones that I brought, but I think that my modern comics outclass the old ones and are certainly no worse value for money.
If anything the fact that you get one story per comic, rather than the main comic and small sections from a sub comic is actually a good thing. I remember reading the Ironman\Transformers comics and then finding that the last 5 pages were some other comic that I wasn't interested in. That's why I said the above.
I do remeber at one point where the comics were were still on the old paper and on the new which were a bit more expensive but did not contain many adverts if any probably in house. I believe Legion of Superheros Vol 3 started out like this in 1984 at $1.25 about double the price of the others that were on old paper and full of adverts, so take into account this was new technology at the time not 3 decades old, even so even then story's were not drawn out as they are today.