My Flash Fiction is being published!
I've been writing for a few years now and yesterday decided to send some of my work off and got a response the same night from two different editors saying they are going to publish my work!An example of some of it can be read here:
Narwhal by Wiebo Grobler
The rest I can't post unfortunately due to the publishers request but I am happy to point people to website once it gets published.
Very excited and it's given me the push to get the rest of my work out there! Well done  Thanks Guys! Had another published online. It's seriously forcing me now to get my finger out and get more of my stuff out there as I have tons of it!
Perception - 101 Words Another one of my Flash Fictions published yesterday. Looking forward to my time off over Christmas so I can seriously focus on my writing.
Moved - 101 Words Last week I wrote a small tribute to the late and great, David Bowie. It got picked up and published yesterday.
Memories - 101 Words well done thumbs up!! One of my Horror shorts called "Hair" has been published over at Horror Scribes. Go have a read! Any and all comments welcome.
Hair Also just found out I won Horror Scribes Dante's Inferno Competition. Go have a read, some great shorts there!
Dante’s Inferno ‘Gluttony’ Winner Hi Guys! Thanks so much for voting last time. I have another story up entitled "Tempest" The them was - Slate
Please have a read and vote as you see fit! There are some really good shorts in there.
Read and Vote Weekly eBook Thanks for the support so far everyone. I have two stories up at Commaful for a competition.
So if you have 2 minutes go and have a read it won't take long and please like the story if you do to give it a chance for winning.
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