Slow Cooker Recipe Books
Hi guys,Decided to buy a slow cooker today. With these dark nights I want to make some warming casseroles, curries etc. Over xmas I think it would be great to make a nice stew with not too much effort
Anyone know of a really good book they can recommend? There are lots out there.......but too many to make a sensible choice on Amazon !
How economical do these work out to be ? I see they are rated around 350W.What is the equivalent for the electric oven ? Im guessing an oven has to be at least 1KW hasn't it ? ......but if the slow cooker is on for hrs then does it just work out worse ?! That will be the maximum load, it will be kicking in and out on a thermostat once it reaches temperature. The average drain will be more like an 80W light bulb. ah ok.
so in general much better than putting the normal oven on for an hr say ? Depending on the oven, but probably. Certainly with my oven ) bump.
Me too - I got one a while ago hoping for some nice curries - I bought a couple of books but I've yet to find one which hits the spot. There's a lot of recipes on the internet but sometimes you just need a book.
Apologies for a link to another forum but...
Slow Cooker - The Recipe Collection - Page 6 - Forums cheers NR.
yeah.......I would like a nice "slow-cooker" bible to be honest to sit and browse through. Looks like there might be some nice ones on that forum mind you. Will take a look.
There are a few "one-pot" recipe books that look pretty good too. Im guessing that would be fine with the slow cooker too.....but I wonder if it will really work the same way. hmmmm They're selling my slow cooker in Tesco for £9.99. It's a bargain. wow good price.
They are selling ours too -Morphy Richards 48715 Slow Cooker 6.5L
Im already thinking I have should have just got a small one, as when I unpacked last's like a bathtub 
at TJ Hughes they are selling them for 25 (32.97 on tesco) Yeah, the one I got from Tesco is big enough for two people with a good appetite. Not sure if it'd be big enough for a family though. I can't remember how many litres but it's perfect for my wife and I. Hi geordie jester have look for crockpot recipes.Quiet a few here » Free Crock Pot Recipes