Geordie Jester Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:25

Slow Cooker Recipe Books

Hi guys,

Decided to buy a slow cooker today.   With these dark nights I want to make some warming casseroles, curries etc.    Over xmas I think it would be great to make a nice stew with not too much effort

Anyone know of a really good book they can recommend?   There are lots out there.......but too many to make a sensible choice on Amazon !

How economical do these work out to be ?    I see they are rated around 350W.What is the equivalent for the electric oven ?       Im guessing an oven has to be at least 1KW hasn't it ?    ......but if the slow cooker is on for hrs then does it just work out worse ?!

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:26

That will be the maximum load, it will be kicking in and out on a thermostat once it reaches temperature. The average drain will be more like an 80W light bulb.

Geordie Jester Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:27

ah ok.

so in general much better than putting the normal oven on for an hr say ?

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:27

Depending on the oven, but probably. Certainly with my oven )

jeff_cheng Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:27


Me too - I got one a while ago hoping for some nice curries - I bought a couple of books but I've yet to find one which hits the spot. There's a lot of recipes on the internet but sometimes you just need a book.

Apologies for a link to another forum but...
Slow Cooker - The Recipe Collection - Page 6 - Forums

Geordie Jester Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:27

cheers NR.

yeah.......I would like a nice "slow-cooker" bible to be honest to sit and browse through.    Looks like there might be some nice ones on that forum mind you. Will take a look.

There are a few "one-pot" recipe books that look pretty good too.   Im guessing that would be fine with the slow cooker too.....but I wonder if it will really work the same way.      hmmmm

jeff_cheng Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:28

They're selling my slow cooker in Tesco for £9.99. It's a bargain.

Geordie Jester Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:28

wow good price.

They are selling ours too -Morphy Richards 48715 Slow Cooker 6.5L

Im already thinking I have should have just got a small one, as when I unpacked last's like a bathtub 

at TJ Hughes they are selling them for 25   (32.97 on tesco)

jeff_cheng Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:28

Yeah, the one I got from Tesco is big enough for two people with a good appetite. Not sure if it'd be big enough for a family though. I can't remember how many litres but it's perfect for my wife and I.

mowcop Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:28

Hi geordie jester have look for crockpot recipes.Quiet a few here » Free Crock Pot Recipes
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