BAN5HEE Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:15

New Clifi Anthology

Hey guys.

Super excited about an upcoming Anthology featuring my work.

It's a collection of short stories and flash fictions on the theme of climate change. Profits are being donated to the Earth Day Network.

Pre Orders available now.

Paperback - is as it was

Kindle - is as it was

For less than the price of a pint for the kindle version, you will be sponsoring great initiatives like the army of children and adults in the picture below at Aberdeen beach, helping to clean up plastic and rubbish.


Inferno Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:16

Are you the man on that authors list?

BAN5HEE Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:17

My name is not on there as I don't have Amazon Author account...yet - I'm actually trying to figure out how you do it as I have several stories available on Amazon from Anthologies.

Her's my website if interested:

Wiebo Grobler Author

BAN5HEE Publish time 25-11-2019 04:16:17

Our Anthology "Nothing is as it was" is currently in the top 3 Amazon paper back Anthology list. If anyone has purchased it please leave a review and I hope you enjoyed it!,n:!1025612,n:62,n:275116,p_n_publication_date:182241031,p_n_binding_browse-bin:492564011&bbn=275116&ie=UTF8&qid=1524499386&rnid=492562011
Pages: [1]
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