After an interesting / educational book for kids
not sure if anything exists but was being asked loads of questions by a friends nine year old about the solar system, but not the normal “what’s the biggest planet?” Etc.Rather she was asking things like“What happens if the moon explodes?”
“What happens if the sun explodes?”
Or “what are stars?”
Is there a book which focuses on the solar system, maybe like a DK book with the quality illustrations etc and billet points etc ? What about something like Space A Children's Encyclopedia (Dk Reference) ?  Cheers
That actually looks like the one I picked up in Waterstones, although different cover.
Very informative and interesting but still very text book
I’m after something that is more I suppose like the horrible histories or a book with more bullet list type entries over “what if” scenarios
Think she more interested in the dark and sinister if that makes sense I loved the horrible histories books as a kid! Still do now actually 
Not specifically space but appears to have a few space related questions. if
Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens (Horrible Science)
Shame they’re not a little bit older...
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions Cheers