drinkturps Publish time 25-11-2019 04:13:17

Looking for paperback version of Oro by Cizia Zyke

I thought I'd try here.I remember reading this (decades) years ago when I was a teenager and all I can remember was that he was a proper tough old unit doing crazy stuff looking for gold in Costa Rica. It was hilarious and grim at the same time. It's popped out of my brain randomly and I really want to read it again. Struggling to locate copies of it. Amazon seems to have hardback copies but I'm nervous that it will be in French and not English.

Any ideas where I could look?

zeppelino Publish time 25-11-2019 04:13:19

Abe Books is worth a try. Or is there a local independent bookshop you could ask?

drinkturps Publish time 25-11-2019 04:13:19

Thanks. Managed to track an English version down from Abe Books. Have a thumbs up from me!
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