Sim card for use in the US, Virgin Atlantic upgrades
First question - can anyone suggest a one off sim card for use in the US, and which offers cheap-ish calls to the UK plus data?Second question - we're flying to the US at the end of the month. Both my wife and I have disabilities and like to use premium economy when flying. But this time round on the return flight, there are only premium economy plus seats (or whatever) which offers flexibility, no booking change charges, that sort of thing, but at a price of almost 6 grand. The girl I spoke to recommended waiting till we're checking in and ask the desk clerk if there are any premium economy seats left and we might get one at a better price. Have any of you any experience of upgrading flights with Virgin Atlantic at check-in, positive or negative? Q1:See UK network "three".Switch your account there and get "free" roaming i.e. calls to other UK numbers come out of your contract/allowance/PAYG credit as if you were at home.Their branding for this unique feature is "go roam".
Q2:What I'd say is - the only way to be sure of getting any particular accommodation, is to book and pay for it.Acknowledge what you say about high flexible fares.Have you considered travelling on a different day?Otherwise - nothing else to do but as advised - check at check-in. On your second question - I travel quite a bit with Virgin Atlantic and yes it can be one at check-in but it will still cost money, ie not free, but you do sometimes get a deal. For example, I went to Vegas last year on Virgin in Prem, Economy and the bloke sat next to me said that he upgraded at the check-in desk for £200. That was a decent price, but don't know if he had points, a higher priced ticket etc.
Also if you leave til check in there may be no seats left !
I typically try to go from prem economy to Upper Class when checking in, but I use my points as I have tonnes of them. Sometimes there are no seats, sometimes my ticket is not considered "up-gradable" and sometimes I get an upgrade, which costs me points and tax (around £50). When we booked the flights there were only economy seats available. But After booking I called and asked if there were any premium enonomy available. There were on the way out but only economy delight on the return flight. I had to call Virgin Atlantic last week to add assistance to our booking and the guy I was speaking to said there were still premium seats. but only the flexible ticket ones. He got "aviation" to ring me about the price, and it was them who suggested waiting until check-in. We believe in paying our way and we're certainly not expecting a free upgrade (although if it were offered... ). No need, just pick up a three pay as you go sim as the go roam feature is available on PAYG Well, yes, but why would one persist with another network, that charges more for roaming, charges extra for 5g, etc etc ?Especially if one planned to travel more than once - having your "normal service" with 3 seems optimal.Oh, and you don't have to give ppl a separate (PAYG) number to call you; don't have to set up diverts (for ppl who call your normal number) etc. etc. On the flights - if you are flying the end of this month then that is only 2 weeks away - so unlikely to get any great deals and not surprising if most or all of the best seats have gone really is it.
We booked 2 months ago for Vegas May next year as soon as the flight became available and got a great price for premium economy both ways. I checked the prices this week and the price for the same seats has already gone up 47% to what we paid in July  Is this for definite? From here
Mobile roaming in United States- Support - Three
It states it comes from an add on. I presume this is the three payg add ons mentioned here
Top-up - Buy an Add-on | Three
£20 for 20gb seems the best option Excellent. But I'm only seeing 12gb for £20?