Geneva Motorshow 2018
Anybody going? I had an invite to tag along with guys from the dealership, unfortunately it was quite short notice so couldn't make it. Logistically it's probably the easiest place to get to if flying, the expo centre being within walking distance of the airport terminal.I'd like to go next year, it's penciled in . Walked round for 4.5 hours. Exhausted. Should have taken a P45 
Top Gear Technology Centre P45 I'm going on Monday. I don’t know if you’re taking Swiss francs, but the cash machine wasn’t giving anything smaller than 100CHF notes out on Thursday. Really. I haven't changed any money. I was just going to use a cash machine or pay on my card. Thanks for the heads up. Yup. But if there are a few of you going you’ll spend that 100CHF on food, no worries. I've been before.
I might change some euros at the airport because they accept both over there. They do. They were offering 1CHF / 1.05€.