outoftheknow Publish time 24-11-2019 23:59:49

Sorry to hear about your downturn. Audi finance saying they can’t help is disgraceful but it sounds like nothing has changed in decades. At my first divorce (yehI know...) I had a similar balloon car finance and they took the same line. So didn’t every other creditor without exception. I took the CAB route and they did the whole plan and letter thing. Not one creditor for even the smallest amount helped at all.

I know that isnt what you want to hear but as has been mentioned it is sometimes best to rocket to the bottom and you are ready to climb back quicker.

Far from sound financial advice but at some point take some advice as to whether you are at a point to cave in totally, or see if a deal can be done on all debts. Citizen Advice Bureau offered qualified help for free back then - if you need to talk to those debt consolidation companies on TV I would make sure I read every word with a magnifying glass.

Hope it works out for you 
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