I'd probably look online for condenser / compressors (try eurocarparts) to give yourself an idea but these can cost well over £500 unfortunately. Obviously it may be something entirely different but either way I'd be going through your warranty paperwork to check for any specific exclusions. As above, my brother in laws compressor has broke on his focus, replacement quotes so far have been £500 plus just for the part I beleive, so labour on top of that too If they used gas with UV dye in it it should be simple enough to find the leak - if there is one.
Depending on the age and value of the car and the way the compressor is driven it may not be economic to repair it - when the condenser went on my old Merc the garage suggested fitting the aux belt from a non-air con engine to bypass the drive wheel and effectively forget about the air con.
As I was driving to the south of France I stumped up for the repairs but if I'd been staying in the UK I'd probably have just opened the windows  Oy! Let’s hope it’s not a leak or if it is that it is covered by the warranty. The condenser has gone on my c4gp but luckily covered by the warranty, so downside is they can't do it till the end of the month as I need a c4 as a curtesy vehicle so I can get my scooter in the boot. Glad to hear it’s on your warranty. Will save you a few bob. Yes, your not kidding, that was my first question was it covered or payable. I know the car is a motability and nearly everything is covered but not sure if that would be.