Best place for RTF tires?
Any recommendations (prices as well can't seem to find any!) for replacing RTF tires? I have acquired a screw right on the border between the sidewall and top part.FYI - it's a Michelin on a 420d - 225/45R18Y Camskill
Usually around £150 fitted for those size. Any tyre place sells them, literally any.
But they are Run Flat Tyres 
A quick look at AsDA tyres reveals your BMW Michelin tyres instantly. You can even filter your results by run flat tyres only.
For most online providers I would just search by size and you’ll see that the BMW tyres are run flat anyway.
Perhaps you searched using the wrong terms. Searched 4 or 5 National chains and got no result or “oops we don’t stock your tyre” - yes I put the correct sizes and ticked run flat. Hence the request for recommendations which was duly given. Do you have a specific recommendation and experience of a supplier of run flat tyres? National chain websites are terrible and don't show all brands and sizes. You need to pick up the phone a ring a few. I use a couple local places that I've got to know over the years, run flats are a pig to change and I know these guys won't damage my wheels when doing it. As I said in my post; one search on Asda tyres and bingo.
I couldn’t do tyresonthedrive but would recommend them.
And if you aren’t to far away the best place I found is black boots. Lots of performance cars go there, but they treat none performance cars and wheels with the same respect. Best balancing and alignment in the business in my experience.