Alloy Painting/Refurb
Hi all,Can anyone give me an indication of what they have paid in the past if you have had it done. I've been quoted 45 per alloy which I thought was reasonable.
Also, I have a le mans blue bmw with Mv3 in silver. I was looking to change them to grey. Opinions on the below appreciated. I had my MV3's done in Ferric Grey 1, paint code A80. Cost around £70-80 a wheel as they were stripped and weld repaired.
/proxy.php?image= 45 is very reasonable then. I think ferric grey is the way to go for sure. GF just had hers done in A80 Ferric Grey, for £220 VAT. This included fitting of tyres. Getting them done Thursday but still undecided on colour. Don't know whether to go darker or keep It lighter.
Like These but think the black car ones would be too dark for le mans. That black 335 looks;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Assume that is yours ️ wish I went for something with a bit more power than the 320d.
Now set on this colour. Gun metal grey Looking to have my BMW alloys refurb completely, quote was £85 a wheel full acid dip and power coated inside and out. Alloys are diamond cut.
Look forward to pictures of your once completed. @JFRTDI yup, mine  I was debating getting SWMBO's BMW 1 series alloys refurbished as she has made a right mess of them.We now share cars and tbh I am embarrassed driving around with them in such a bad state.
The car is black metallic sapphire and has 19" alloys in oem silver but think they would look great in ferric grey.Local refrub place is charging £85 for full acid dip, power coat etc... Could I ask what you are getting for £45 as that sounds like bargain of the century and making me think I need to look further a field.