Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:10
My Peugeot 406 exec was the biggest pos I ever owned as a car. I had starship mileage on my 405 on the other hand.
Ultimately it is just about being lucky 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:11
Well,After some thinking I agree and have purchased a Mazda 6 TAKUYA 2.0 petrol which was a lucky find in bristol near where I live.Test drove it today and loved it so thats that choice made.For my driving I think its a better choice , had full mazda service history and one owner etc and that nice previous owner had replaced the stock stereo with a groovy pioneer double hight touch screen one.Happy days - thanks for the advice.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:12
Your photos aren’t showing 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:12
This isnt the actual car, I dont have a photo yet and its been taken off the website now but this it what it looks like. Same wheels colour, tinted rear windows etc.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:13
If you buy one with high mileage there could already be a lot of ash in it.As I understand it, the particulates burn off but ash doesn't. That builds up in there and needs cleaned out or it eventually hardens and you need a new DPF. Your journey may be OK for getting to temperature as long as there is no stopping on the way and you drive in a lower gear.
I'd find out how much a new one costs and use that in your bargaining. It let's you know what you are in for.
You could buy one with no warning light as the owner blasts it every day then after a few of your journeys you go into limp home mode. Better to know how much this will potentially hurt you!
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:14
I haven't had a recent diesel but I think you also need some other additive, something with blue in the title which works in an additional filter?
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:15 I looked it up, something called Adblue. It looks like another filter or 2 on there as well though petrols could have these too.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:16
the cars I was looking at were too old for that - itsfairly new thing for newer diesels I believe.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:17
Nice car, enjoy mate!
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:50:17
and some idiot crashed into me and has written it off... the search for another mazda 6 begins.