Height-aware SatNav - France
We generally drive around fine with Waze or Google navigation.However neither seem aware of height restrictions. If we put a roof box on the bus we go over two meters which rules us out of some bridges / tunnels.There are quite a few on the major roads around Paris for example.Does anyone use or know of any way of navigating with low bridge awareness with these or any other apps. Particularly on the mainland?
Thanks! I use the standard Sygic on my phone as our Sat Nav and they have this sister app:
with this option:
Routing with restrictions for oversize RV and trailers It does seem very expensive compared with the standard app with lifetime maps though...  Take the roofbox off and tow a trailer instead? Thanks - looks interesting - £80 for three years isn't too bad.Sygic was the satnav app I bought back in the day, before the free stuff came along.Certainly seems to do the job - of course assuming their data is good! Thanks but this doesn't sound better than throwing some money at a satnav. I think the backbone is based on TomTom mapping. My folks have an enormous RV and a Garmin something-or-other that's specific to truck/RV use - you can program height, weight, axles etc and it will plan routes accordingly.
I'm not sure the model number, but then they're in the US so it's probably not useful anyway. Worth having a look to Garmin though, as I assume they would do specific models here too. You’d get more in a trailer, better weight allowance. Obviously more expense. Would stick on a second roof box if we needed more space.Would be tricky to store also.May mean a different bike carrier as well. Yes would be looking at quite a bit of expense as we have no towbar.