Still sound like exhaust a possibility to you?
Definitely sounds like a turbo leak somewhere, which is only happening under high boost situations (in gear acceleration)
High boost won't happen revving in neutral. Doesn't sound like anything to me, I don't profess to know anything about turbos 
 Doesn't take a turbo expert to suggest that if the noise doesn't happen when revved in neutral, it's probably not the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 The problem with trying to diagnose a noise is that you need to drive the car to be sure what the problem is/might be.
My van had an exhaust leak that made the turbo sound like it was noisy, I didn't actually say the problem with this car was the exhaust leaking.
You will get a turbo whistle with a split intercooler pipe as well, but it may be down on power as well.
As I mentioned earlier, my neighbour's car had a turbo failure after the turbo started whistling, but it doesn't always mean the turbo will fail.....I had a Citroen Xantia for 3 years that whistled every day from when I bought it to when I sold it....60,000 miles later. I had a leasing customer with a rogue whistle several years ago, dealer couldn't fix it despite repeated visits from the driver. Manufacturer master technician comes out, meets driver and dealer. Driver says "the noise only comes at xx mph", dealer agrees but they cannot work out why.
Master technician hops in, short test drive later gets back to dealer having heard the noise himself. He steps out of the car and asks the driver when he lost the rubber bung from the end of the tube on his old roof rack? One 50p rubber bung later all as good as new. Was once behind a Renault Espace on the motorway that had instant and catastrophic turbo failure.
Like you used to see in F1, just a massive cloud of white smoke.
Scared the crap out of the missus, I couldn't stop laughing. Hi,
Same problem with my megane2 1.5dci 2008 at 180k kms. Do you have any update on the issue you have been seeing? I have been driving the car for about 1200 with the whistling noise..
Thanks in advance ..