Locked inside Mrs C's car...
Recently I found myself locked in Mrs C's car (Mercedes SLK250)...We had parked up at a supermarket car park, Mrs C was driving and she wanted to pop into the store to buy a bottle of wine.I stayed inside the car, she unnecessarily locked the car, obviously on 'autopilot' at the time.
I found I couldn't get out. Every time I moved the alarm would go off, I couldn't open the doors or windows. Not a problem in this instance as Mrs C returned after a few minutes.
Anyone know of a way to unlock the car from inside in this sort of situation?
Escape catch in the boot? Clearly designed to prevent someone gaining access through a small aperture (open or smashed window) to unlock and open the doors.
Do you possess a second key to the car, if you have it on you could you still be locked in? Probably not, I'll give that a try.
However the spare car key was on my bunch of keys with my phone in my jacket locked in the boot.
//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif Centre arm-rest with access to the boot? Don't think so, I'm sure the boot is not accessible from the front, It's a very small car inside, there simply isn't room behind the seats for this sort of thing.
 Sounds like deadlocks are enabled by default. No way to open though from the inside. You’ll have to smash out a window or get the key. I'm sure he's out now  and has hopefully learned if nothing else, to pop open his door a little so when his wife tries to lock it, it will refuse, and to keep his phone with so he can call her if she leaves for a longer errand. Happens to children all the time. They learn to sit still and wait. And after 22 minutes they are cooked and ready to be served.