VW Crash detection help (video added)
I’ve asked on the Passat owners club but it’s yet to be approved so il screenshot my question here...https://www.avforums.com/attachments/29804f0f-cd09-42e4-99a3-e7ce02db8fe8-jpeg.1027747/ https://www.avforums.com/attachments/74c42d2b-a9fb-41ff-ae9d-976bc02bc048-png.1027749/ The corner in question, I had my wife and daughter in the car and a vehicle behind me, pretty scary to be honest. I have it on BMW and you can adjust the sensitivity, maybe there is a setting for that on the Passat? I’d take it back and get VW to sort it, it shouldn’t do that. Not to the extend it scares you. The red warning at most, but from how you describe it, it shouldn’t intervene.
I’ve had mine intervene I think only twice, and in both occasions it was absolutely right to do so.
Never had it do that on me in bends despite me driving at the maximum permissible  speeds. My brother in law has a similar problem with his new Vitara.Near his house there is a road with a tight 90 degree turn and a wall beside it.Every time he drives around the corner, the car thinks he's gonna hit the wall and slams on the brakes.
He has to drive the long way round now..... Best Guess: Closing the windows is to prevent you from bashing your head on the edge of the frame, although I would be surprised if they closed quickly enough. They were all down as it was a hot day but they closed almost full and left an inch gap at the top, maybe to pre-empt the gas from airbags setting off? Decided to pull the dash cam footage, I was miles away from the BMW plus the car should have detected I was turning left. That’s scary. I’d take that video straight to Volkswagen and let them determine the issue immediately. Windows provide a fairly high amount of structure/stability to the cabin, plus also keeps most of you inside the car for as long as possible.