Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:24
On the plus side at least it is probably the well known crank issue so they have less room to fight anything.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:24
£20K to replace an engine and turbo's? Even at dealer prices that seems rather excessive. Surely has to be covered under warranty.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:25
New engine on a car with under 40k miles 
That’s crazy.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:25
Unless you were describing good old fashioned diesel indirect injection and forgot to mention the (charged air/fuel) mixture enters the main cylinder via the precombustion chamber 
Edit - yes that description is over simplified merely in an effort to make @mikes48 feel a bit better 
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:25
Thanks for that, and to @nvingo for putting me straight . I've still got the old-school petrol/carburettor mentality, where the air/fuel mixture is sucked in en masse by the descending pistons //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif. So yes, there is a route for objects other than air to enter the cylinders .
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:25
If you are offered good money then take it, the design is clearly faulty.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:26
I thought Jag were still using the BMW engine in these cars ?
I hope they rectify this for your with no cost to yourself.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:26
Didn’t think Jaguar ever used the BMW engine? But their (BMW) 6 cylinder diesels are pretty reliable engines. My last one was on 162k when i sold it and my current one is 142k. All had original turbos / chains / etc.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:26
I only say this as I know someone who has had both a jag and bmw with a 3 litre diesel and he was sure they were the same.When BMW bought land rover maybe ?
I'm not entirely sure.
Publish time 24-11-2019 23:44:26
I don't think car companies need be related to buy major components from each other, for a long time Peugeot was the supplier to Ford of diesel engines.