Hope no one is waiting for a new VW
Campaigners climb on ship in car protest Oh dear. My Golf GTDevilcar has just been built and is 'in transit'. Bugger them, I'm going to floor my current diesel everywhere now just in spite. Just shoot them. If they had proper jobs, they wouldn't have time for sh*t like this. We should have a VW meet at the port, sit and have a chat with the engines running  I won't mention what new car one of them was driving but between us only it was a GTD  ........//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif Even though their top press guy was driving a VW GTD (Nice to meet you) on a 15 plate they may have had a point that has now been brushed under the carpet....Or has it...European Commission - PRESS RELEASES- Press release - Antitrust: Commission opens formal investigation into possible collusion between BMW, Daimler and the VW group on clean emission technology