I think i have ruled out the starter motor, voltmeter gives the battery pumping 12.3v but i don't think that's enough to turn it over.
It's had the same battery since new, surprised it just died overnight, but potentially do you think it is or its something else? When i was a lad a clicking noise but not turning over meant the starter solenoid? A rule of thumb with a battery is...if the dash lights (the battery light, oil warning light etc) are flickering or going out when you turn the key then the battery is low/faulty....if the dash lights stay steady when you turn the key then the problem is starter motor/wiring to the starter/earthing fault. It's a mix of both lol
Low loader collecting tomorrow & taking it to the garage, done with messing around, cheers guys. Did you get this sorted? Often, you can get a sticking starter solenoid to engage by tapping the starter motor with a hammer or whatever you can get to it. Not a permanent cure, but saves on using a low loader to carry the car to the garage. It was the battery in the end, the doors open now from the remote too which previously was put down to the latches being worn 