Car damaged overnight
Hi folks, so as the title suggests, my car was hit last night.We've been on a little European jaunt this week and we ended up in a chalet in Dover. We parked up at 9pm ish last night and I went out to start packing the car around 8am this morning. At some point in the night someone drove down the left side of the car. Quite a difficult feat given that there was very little room next to my car. It's clear that someone parked in the space adjacent to my car after I parked up and then reversed down the side of my car whilst driving away.
No cameras anywhere and the police just directed me to their online incident logging system.
Now I have two doors damaged and some time off the road not earning. Not happy.
I have full protected no claims but I guess I'll have to give up my excess and a possible increase in premiums.
Really not happy Sorry to hear that man, No dashcam running? So was the area to the left of your car a parking space?
Does the manager of the chalet know who would be entitled to park or be there?
It could have been a service or delivery vehicle which would have come and gone before 8am. That's sh*t @djbsom .
Happened to me four years ago, checking out special schools for step-son (autistic), came out and found this -
Don't have to be that bright to work out that it was something higher than a car, red, within the school's private road, therefore probably a delivery vehicle, within a one hour (max) time-frame.
Went back into the school office - "Sorry, computer say nooo", or words to that effect.
Good luck with it anyway mate . Not nice at all 
But dare I say it, looks like typical for cars in France. It’s rare in my experience to see one in pristine state. Gross generalisation I know but they don’t seem to care. Dover isn't in France  Doh  My bad. Being a Channel port, it's still possible it was a French Car that did it.  I was going to use that as an excuse, but that wouldn’t have be very genuine since I didn’t mean that.Much better owning up to my blunder  Actually, when parking up Thursday evening I happened to notice a white transit van parked 30metres or so from our chalet. It caught my eye because it carried the signwriting of an Audio visual installation company. My car ended up with white paint on it. Coincidence? Probably.