100100 miles so far
When I got in my 2003 Ford Taurus yesterday morning I noticed this. .php?image=https://i.postimg.cc/ry1BhpZQ/IMG-20181019-114226.jpg&hash=2bde617a6f8c852a6efd73d379b0f359
I bought my car from a lot back in 2008 with 83126 miles on the clock. Wow! So you've only done around 27K miles in 10 years?
Even in the UK that's low, average is around 1000 miles per month.
(Mind you 83000 in 5 years is probably typical in the US) Yeah, I don't drive much of my sweet chariot. 
By the way, I just put new tires on it a few days ago. I ran on the same tires for 10 years and they got pretty worn. 
And here's my new tire(s).
My sweet chariot. 
/proxy.php?image=https://i.postimg.cc/59FFSPrc/S5030155.jpg&hash=3031de3a975ea861d8adea1529a37b00 I'm very impressed with ten years on a set of tyres, I generally get through the fronts in seven or eight months and twenty months ish for the rears barring incidents of course. Just checked mine on the MOT and did the grand total of 2113 miles last year.
At this rate I should get at least 20 years out of the new tyres  Is tyre rotation not recommended or possible on your model? What's interesting is that my left front tire showed the worst wear. The rest could see a few more miles. The reason I put new tires on was for passing the inspection in December. I saved up for a few months to do it.
By the way, reason why I have such low mileage is that I'm not working so no daily commute. I was disabled in 1991 and got my SSI in 2000 after a long battle with the courts. I was an auto mechanic and all that heavy lifting toof a toll on my body. When I wasn't working in an auto shop I was working in a steel plant. Pffffffffft, 146k miles on my 2011 car.
I get one summer outta set of new rear tyres and two summers outta the fronts.