The Dreamer Publish time 24-11-2019 23:36:35

Haha! Yes, I well remember being a young kid in the back of my parents car - a large Volvo 244 - getting off the Motorail in the centre of Milan, in the morning rush hour!

Mum & Dad had never driven abroad before, and this was before the days of SatNav, or aircon. Let’s just say things got a little ‘heated’ in the car, with Mum navigating, Dad driving, and us the kids in the back, fighting as usual!

It was manic! All these 500’s darting around, scooters, trucks, buses and trams, all doing their best to give my dad a coronary!

Once clear, we did spend 3 happy weeks driving around Italy, Czechoslovakia, Austria and Switzerland, before returning by Motorail again - when my younger brother, climbing into the top bunk accidentally pulled the communication cord!! A double headed train, with 10 carriages, and another 10 car transporter units, coming to a dead stop from nearly 100mph was an experience! But I;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:36:35

Even with air-con and sat nav things still heated when driving through some of those Italian towns / cities.
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