HPI check result
I picked up my new used car today and the deal was done with a dealer who advertised all their vehicles are checked and clear. I trust this but as I'm a cheap skate I asked them for a copy of the HPI check when I went to collect the car. I'm just trying to understand something on the check I have never seen before. The plate transfer check box has an X and says 'Warning'. When I look at the details it says -Current Plate since 08/2018, former VRM J444C** date applied 6/2017, then previous plate to that is my current registration. Against the J444 plate which I believe is then private registration it has finance interest against a different make and model from mine 08/18. So I think I'm reading it correct the previous owner has private registration they transfer from vehicle to vehicle, also they have finance on the vehicle with that registration, the finance has no relation to my vehicle. I think your assumption is reasonable, I expect the car you have, is not 27 years old? which is when that personal plate was originally issued.So the previous owner only had their plate on it for 14 months/owned that car for 14 months.
And they own a personal plate which they can afford to move with each vehicle purchase, but can't afford to buy their current vehicle outright.
(Since you have the full VRM would you post the year of manufacture of that current vehicle?) My vehicle? 2013. How can you tell the age of the plate BTW? The single letter (in this instance the'J'). These ran from 1984 - 'A' to 2000 - 'Y' missing out I, O, Q, U & Z due similarity to other symbols. So an initial J was around 1991. Similar system was used from 1964 to 1983, but the single letter was at the end of the VRM,eg. ABC123Y.
So it was a 4 year old car that your previous owner put the personal plate on (in 2017). Thanks for your help mate, good info. I don't think it quite fits any of the recent formats, there are too many letters in it:
VRM J444Cmost closely matches the suffix format making it a "C" reg from 1965.But doesn't explain where the J comes from.VRM designates the Area code, or rather the RM does, which was Carlisle.(or so Google tells me ) I think the VRM is vehicle registration mark and the actual number is J444 C** Doh, of course:you are right, and so then was nvingo, apologies  my brain didn't process the ** as part of the Registration Number //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif I think the OP used ** to anonymise the VRM, probably missing out "KY"  I did as you say but its not 'KY'. I did this as I believed posting the full registration could be a way of tracking me. I've successfully hidden for years from the police, FBI and Interpol, I cant give myself away so easily. 