At 18 mpg urban, any fuel saving is a big plus, plus its meant to be good for the environment VW stop/start will, as PSM1 pointed out monitor the total output and will not stop the engine below that threshold. When standing in line with the stop/start having shut the engine down it will also restart if that threshold is reached. Happened quite a few times last summer with the air con running. The engine will be restarted when the battery is below 80percent of full charge Now that I’m starting to use it I’m quite surprised at how little it kicks in. Thanks @ashenfie that helps to put my mind at rest a lot  The winter & colder weather will cause it to kick in less as you will have more load on the engine due to having lights on more, heater on more, etc.The stop/start will be deactivated below a certain temperature too.On my car that is 0 degrees. Hasn't kicked in once in 2 days of driving! Now that I'm happy for it to work it's no longer interested in me 
Thanks that helps to explain why  Just to clarify, my post that worried you, we were investigating the infotainment system sitting outside the house, not driving so certainly wouldn't expect the engine to start, which is why the infotainment shut down after being on for more than an hour (loading MP3s and setting up driving personalisations etc.)