BB3Lions Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:57

Rust/Corrosion Help

On preparing my motorcycle for winter I noticed the paint & metal deterioration on the underside. I bought my 2016 bike earlier this year, never ridden in the rain, been exposed to salts, or used an aggressive cleaner. Not sure on the previous owner, but other than this area, it's pristine.

Could anyone help me with this & maybe offer some advice on how to resolve it please?


mikes48 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:26:58

The nuts and washers look like they're mild steel, and have rusted badly. You might be able to replace them with some stainless or chromed nuts - mine are like this -

Flanged nuts like mine might not work on your bike though - I see you have welded-on brackets rather than my solid flat collars, so the flanges might not fit too well, or might need s/s washers to pack out the threads.

Whatever, when you fit the new nuts coat the studs with Copaslip to make removal easier in the future.

Your local dealer might be able to recommend better quality fixings.

The golden/ brown discolouration at the very top of the pipes looks like baked-on grease, so nothing to worry about​
Not sure what all that unevenness is under the paint in the centre of your second pic - looks like poorly finished welding, but it doesn't actually look rusted/corroded?

OTOH, if you're not planning to keep the bike that long, don't do anything - my bike will be 21 next November .
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