BMW 4 series - Closing the boot....?
Hello,Apologies for a bit of a random post but we've just got a new 4 series BMW and from the off closing the boot seems a bit of a faff.
The car is 3 door coupe M Sport plus but doesn't have the comfort access. The boot opens from the key fob when you press it but the only way to close it seems to be manually??
I know it sounds stupid and its hard to explain but you can't close it properly using the pull down bit on the boot and the only way to properly close it is to pull it down and then put your hands on the top part of the boot which I'm not a fan of at all (the OCD in me )
I've looked online and some places seem to suggest if you hold the lock button down it'd auto close the boot but I've just been out and tried this and it didn't work.
I know its petty but for such a lovely car its annoying me!!! // Nice choice of car unfortunately they do not have the auto close feature unless its specced with comfort access and auto close boot.
The only way is as you have been doing it, all the BMWs I have ever had are like that.
PS did you ever get that Arcam I looked at sorted out ? Coupe doesn't have electric boot like the GC as standard. Its a case of just throwing it down using the handle inside and pulling your arm out the way. Thanks both, at least that answers that as we've tried several ways to get it to shut //
@maxwell - no mate I couldn't get anything done with it and it was going to be £350 for Arcam to repair it so it went on eBay for spares and repairs in the end!