stblob Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:00

Tow bar

Tow bar on the front of the vehicle!!
Something I've seen today. Is it even legal?
Don't know, just very odd indeed, potentially very dangerous if you hit a pedestrian.
Or is it in place to cause maximum damage when hitting another vehicle?

Foster Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:01

I can't see having a tow bar at the front would be legal but I'm sure someone will clear it up shortly.

Axl Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:01

Usually just for positioning boats, caravans etc

nvingo Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:02

Normally on landrovers or similar.

stblob Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:02

On the front? Shouldn't be a least a removable one?
Wouldn't want to be hit from behind by that.

nvingo Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:02

Well they didn't used to be illegal, so whether they'd only be allowed on legacy/classic vehicles or would still be legal to fit them I don't know;
If you were hit at a high enough speed to cause injury or damage by the towing ball, it's likely that significant injury or damage would have still been caused by the 4x4's front bumper/bonnet/winch etc. were there no towing ball fitted.

Did it have a rubber cover over it?
Anything not securely locked down is fair game for moron vandals/thieves which could explain why any such cover is missing (I think though that those are just to keep the grease on the ball so it doesn't go rusty).

stblob Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:02

To be honest, can't say I've ever notice this before. Was just thinking " what the fork"

djbsom Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:03

Yes, these are used to aid launching boats down a slip ( and no doubt moving caravans) and are extremely useful at some slips. Usually fitted toward the passenger side to give the driver a better view forwards past the outfit. As mentioned I don't think they pose a particular extra risk when you consider they're usually attached to something beefy like a landrover defender or similar.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 24-11-2019 23:25:03

I had a front tow bar. It was indeed slightly offset and an absolute godsend when launching my boat through some of the narrow and bendy roads in Italy. Also meant that my rear wheels and exhaust staid out of the water 

Nothing illegal about it.
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