mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:24:35

It does for me  BUT you will lose Bluetoothconnectivity, so no phone calls.

AMc Publish time 24-11-2019 23:24:35

Dunno if this is relevant?
We have a Pioneer unit in my Golf and an Alpine in our (much older) Mini.
We have an iPhone SE and 6 between us.
A fairly recent iOS update messed up the integration with both headunits.
Apple introduced a lock on accessories using the lightning port to access the phone.
It used to be quite long but is now seconds.
The "solution" in our case is to unlock the phone with the code, connect up and start the ignition fairly promptly.Otherwise you get silly "This accessory is not supported" or "USB device not found" messages.
I only came across it because of an article about the police complaining their previous bute force method for unlocking iPhones had been deliberately broken by Apple  and a penny dropped.

Andrew777 Publish time 24-11-2019 23:24:36

To get your iPhone to do everything you probably need this

but it is £60 direct from mini
MUSIC/MEDIA ADAPTER favorable buying at our shop

On the mini accessory web site you can enter your VIN and they will show you everything that is available for your mini (I think you have anR60).

With regards to the cable, you could try the accessory web sites (newministuff, minisport etc) or register on one of the forums and ask if someone can sell you one cheaper.

I think I still have my cable but it's for an iPhone 4S and wouldn't be any good to you.
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