Has the diesel taxation properly started now?
Driving past my local Sainsbury’s petrol station today and noticed unleaded was £1.17 and diesel £1.29. This is the biggest price difference I’ve seen. Have the goverment now started the official measures to reduce diesel cars? I do about 5,000 miles a year and will do a lot less when I retire so will keep the car as long as it is sound and look at the state of things then. Wow that is cheap! Unleaded is about 1.49 around here. I saw £1.14 in Scotland the other day Wow. That is very nice. Huge difference to London  How much!!!??? This will be down to the price that Sainbury's pays for the fuel which is affected by oil prices and refining costs and whatever local pricing factors are in play at the location in question.The difference between diesel and petrol has always varied quite a bit and this sort of difference is nothing new.In the winter diesel tends to go up a bit in price as more heating oil is used and this has knock on effects for refining capacity for various fuels.The only way the government can affect fuel prices is by changing the taxation levels and this hasn't happened recently. I didn’t know that about the winter price difference. Around here diesel has always been within about 3p per litre of unleaded (I had a diesel car for 8 of the last 9 years), and never seen a variance this high. Just wondered whether this might be the start of things to come. It's around 11-13p pre litre more expensive for diesel everywhere I've looked recently (Reading and Bracknell). Definitely the highest difference I've seen in years. There are different crude oils needed for petrol and diesel so if the oils for diesel are in short supply or the lower cost fields aren't producing much then that could make a difference.
Anyone who knows the oil industry care to comment?