(i don't think any other company is going to beat that). Evan Halshaw offered me £22k  I paid £28k for the car last June after trading in my old diesel banger- a 2005 A4 B7 diesel for £6k under the Audi Diesel Scrappage Scheme. Otherwise would have paid around £34k for it after dealer discounts, list price for the car is £39.5k. God, i miss my old B7 diesel, sometimes used to get 800 miles on a full tank lol I think I deserve half of the difference for that introduction 
I accept bank transfer, PayPal, and nearly any crypto currency  Now I've seen you only lost £800 with my recommendation...I should get more commission :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
Seriously, I'm please my recommendation worked out well for you. I wish I knew about them first time around and didn't get chased by all the others who simply don't offer a fair and reasonable valuation.
Saying that, that company only goes after the nicer models and specs. The moment I noticed that you have an Avant Black Edition S-Tronic with effectively the 40TFSI option I just knew they'd be interested...Hope it all goes smoothly. Ok an update. 'sellcar' refused to buy my car as I don't live in the right area (I'm in the Highlands). When I offered to drive the car down to the Central Belt or even North of England they still wouldn't accept that...I suspect they backtracked on the website offer of £27.2k but weren't honest enough to admit it. Anyhow I went with Arnold Clark in the end, their online quotation system offered me £26.6k yesterday and that is what they paid me this afternoon at the local Skoda showroom - they were very straightforward, honest and professional. I've heard that from other people as well..
I always try local car dealers as some times you can get a good price.Otherwise Gumtree, eBay classified car adverts etc