Distracted by a dragon
Dragon prompts police road safety adviceAn incredible creation but it made me think about how easy it is to lose concentration.
A bit about it's making:
Imagine Carving Dragons – Simon O'Rourke Tree Carving I cannot bear this thread.
Local park offer for 'scare' bear statue As long as the English get distracted by 15 dragons on the 23rd of February in the Principality Stadium I'll be more than happy.
I believe your wooden dragon is called Y Ddraig Dderwen. Distractions come in many shapes and circumstances. Angel of the North is a tad "Wow" when first spied driving past it.
The bear was not too bad, the surprise was the Edinburgh Wool mill outlet given the location. Very quiet when we stopped there.
Rubber necking is the ultimate fools game and needs licences taken with extreme prejudice to get the point through. Preferably the SAS through the windows whilst the drivers are still sleep and before they leave home.
Then, driving around somewhere in London not far from Chelsea there is a fella with two parrots on his shoulders. I say I was driving, more sat in the constant car park of a jam. Not sure if he is a pirate. I didn't arrrrrrsk him.
(corrected spilling) It's local name is "The Gateshead Flasher" 