Windscreen Replacement
I've got a 9"crack in my windscreen on passenger side. Just looked up my Car Insurance and I'm not covered for repair/replacement.Does that mean I'll have to go to an independent company or can I still use my insurance to get it cheaper some how? You could ask them who they use but I doubt they’ll be able to help beyond that.
There might be some local place that’ll do it cheaper than the big names Be prepared to have your pants pulled down if you’ve anything fancy!
The 3rd party replacement windscreen on my 3 series was £1100!  Thankfully i paid just the insurance excess. It's only a C2 so hopefully not that bad. No insurance cover = local firm all day long. The large/national companies aren't interested in the man in the street, all they're concerned about are the insurance contracts. Either find a local independent or if can, approach a fitter from one of the big-name companies and see if he'll do the job privately.
Whereabouts are you in the country? @Matt_C Im From Midlands Derby. Thanks for your advice. Ah, a little far from my neck of the woods. Had you been local I could have either found someone to do it or possibly done it myself. Nevermind