I’d go as far as saying you were potentially missold the car. Less than 2k miles/year you’d be much better off with a petrol. Wow! I’m on 152k miles with the 335d! Might be worth checking prices of replacement DPF and fitting costs.... That'll probably get you out on a long run today 
As above I'm surprised you went diesel considering the low milage and how a DPF requires burning off from long runs. I’ve had it pop up before when I got the brakes changed and didn’t do the brake wear sensor. Have you changed your brakes recently front or back ? I’d be checking tyres too, I think they need changing after so many years regardless of mileage. 5? I’ve never had tyres last more than 4 years, so never worry about that, lol Shelf life is around 5 years for tyres if not in use and in storage. On a car they can last up to 10 years. That's what the lady at the garage said but the sales person wouldn't have known how much mileage I was going to do.
It's still on the original brakes and tyres. I should sell it and get something more suitable but it's a really nice car. I think we were advised to change tyres on our Picanto after five years due to “fatigue”. We were living in London and doing very little mileage but despite what people say a car is very useful in London!