Ford Fiesta Style 1.4 (06) Aux Cable Help
Recently bought a 2006 Ford Fiesta Style 1.4 diesel and it has the factory fitted Ford 6000 cd/radio.This model has an Aux button but no Aux input anywhere.
I removed the stereo and at the back there is already a white plug with 3 wires in the place where you'd put a 3rd party Aux lead.
Reading on various sites it seem this white plug is (possibly) the Aux lead but if it is I've absolutely no idea where it goes to and what, if anything, is on the end of it.
Any ideas?
The photo is not of my actual plug but looks the same The cable probably goes down into the centre console, but I gather the socket was only fitted to high end models... /proxy.php?image=
If the cable is there, but no socket, you should be able to retro fit a socket to it: e.g. socket panel mount So assuming the white plug is the Aux cable, it should be somewhere under the panel where the gear stick is? Yes.Another photo here:
It's possible it terminates elsewhere though, sometimes the aux socket was mounted inside the glovebox, so might be worth hunting around there.If you can't find it, you can probably source a new cable and run it to wherever you want the socket. Might be simpler to get a Bluetooth FM transmitter? Depends on source having Bluetooth of course. I did buy a new cable which was supposedly for my car/stereo but it's too big and the plug housing won't close when it's fitted.. although the Ebay seller still insists it's the right cable!
I bought this assuming I had no Aux lead already fitted but it was when I removed the stereo that I noticed the white plug already in place. Get your head in/under/behind the back of the central console and see if you can track down the other end of that cable, or gently tug the end you can find and see if you can hear any rattles/movement;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 You don’t have the AUX input in the glove box do you? It’s there in my S Max Nope, looked everywhere mentioned online We were speccing up a fiesta in 2006 (only time new off the shelf for us, ghia) and the aux out connector was to be in the glove box area. In or out I remember not but they wanted silly money for it. We asked why not on the dash and told "can't do it mate".
I expect the loom is made up and the cable installed to the area but tied in the loom? Or has someone else put it in?
Push comes to shove, what is in the connector? Splice into it?