Anyone looking for a BMW 335d xdrive?
May be of interest if anyone is in the market for a BMW 335d xdrive mine is being part ex'd next month. 2016 (facelift) model, in white with full m-sport body kit including 19" rims. It's absolutely mint with currently under 10k miles on the clock. Fabulous motor that is insanely fast! Only swapping as I need a smaller car to fit on the drive as we've purchased a VW T6 camper. If it's of interest to anyone drop me a pm and I'll pass on the bmw dealer who are taking it in so you may get in first as I think this will sell fast. What was the trade in value they gave? Not sure on exact of value as I just go on cost to swap and negotiating a discount on the new car so they either up the px value or reduce the new car price accordingly. Think it works out to around £21k, oil burners are taking a massive hit atm. Nice looking motor shame it's not a touring otherwise we would have been talking  gone, will be missed.