2018 mini Cooper - petrol nozzle doesn't fit
Hi guysI've run into a bit of a problem when trying to fill up a mini cooper tonight and I really hope someone can help.
My car is in for some repairs and I've got a 2018 mini cooper but after going to both Asda and sainsbury petrol stations I've found that the unleaded fuel nozzle will not fit no matter what I do. I didn't stand around for too long because I must have looked a right tit but it goes nearly all the way in  but then somethings stopping it from going any further.
Has anyone come across this before, and what the hell am I doing wrong ?? Are you sure it's petrol? Is it a diesel or hybrid? If you're talking about the petrol hatch mini cooper, it goes in far enough to fill the car, but not to the hilt of the nozzle,  Thanks for your comments guys..It's definitely a petrol engine, it's the first thing I always check due to driving a few different cars. As much as I hate to admit it, the girlfriend sorted it in the end
It did take her a while to do it but the petrol station was empty this time and it just needed to go in at an angle. In my defence, I have only been driving 18 months and she's been driving 12 years and has had a similar issue with another car.