potshot Publish time 24-11-2019 23:09:00

It's easy to been green when you are middle class.

This is a tax on the poor and less well off who can't afford a new car.I live just off the south circular, 2021 it will mean I can drive to work but I can't drive to Tesco what is five minutes away.I consider myself lucky because I will be just outside the zone.

This is Khan's poll tax on wheels and when it is extended in 2021 it will catch out millions of people and the backlash will be massive.People will still be able to drive along the north and south circular roads so expect them to be clogged up and any roads that are outside ULEZ.

I am sure when people buy cars to meet the standard and revenue drops the goal posts will be moved to keep the revenues up.TFL has massive debts and for this reason, the scheme was brought forward from 2026, it is estimated it will raise between £750 million to £1.5 billion when the zone is extended to the north and south circular roads.

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:09:01

And that £750-1500 million will cut air pollution.

crypticc Publish time 24-11-2019 23:09:01

And you don't think by then they won't be using the gantries that enforce LEZ T to expand much much wider than current ULEZ?M25 after that

nvingo Publish time 24-11-2019 23:09:01

They're not going to use the money raised, to invest in air scrubbers that catch vehicle exhaust fumes before it reaches cyclists and pedestrians ????

If the true purpose of the charge is to cut air polution from 'dirty vehicles', they won't care if not a single penny is raised because drivers switch to cleaner methods or abstain from travelling.

Over by there Publish time 24-11-2019 23:09:01

Interesting link from a twitter feed.
London Air Quality Network
From their web site
London Air Quality Network

Edit. Sorry, first link is live data on pollution second is the "About" explaining who they are and how it is collected.

mjn Publish time 24-11-2019 23:09:02

Exactly, I’m sure the main aim is to collect £0 from the charge because then they’ve met their aim. Cut air pollution in London 
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