Yey, new company car
Finally arrived, happy with the colour choice which was the only option I had mind.It drives so much better than the 63 plate Insignia it replaced and is a much nicer place to be behind the wheel. Looks great, enjoy.
Did you have long to wait? A colleague of mine ordered his Passat last May and only got it in March. Really liked my company Passat. Adaptive cruise, active lane assist and DSG made it incredibly relaxing to drive.
I currently take the cash allowance instead of the car, but thinking of a Golf Rwhen they are formally announced. I ordered 1st Nov and had a 31st May estimated delivery date. So 18th April was an improvement. What engine did you go for? His was a 1.4 petrol. 2.0 diesel as for some inexplicable reason our company won't entertain petrol, hybrid or EV. Welcome the the club 