Renault what???
Can anyone tell me what car model this is and if it is worth anything please? It’s just been sitting for years slowly rusting away. I know it’s a Renault but that’s it Renault 21?
Renault 21 - Wikipedia If you moved the item blocking the registration number you can Google it yourself Door card, rear driver's side. Nothing on either of the driver side door or opening. By the looks of it they are both replacements for a crash that happened there.
Other than it being from 1988 I’m not having much joy reg search wise. @rousetafarian do you have a website recommendation where I could look the number plate up by chance? The DVLA check MOT history service often finds vehicles that the Tax checker misses. Agreed. At first I thought a 19 but this one seems longer. Nice old car 
Probably worth more in parts than as a car. If it’s a Turbo version then it could be worth more  .  <-- head scratching...
How do you come to that conclusion? That is definitely a Renault, not a Peugeot with Renault badge  Nice car though... Yeah, you nailed that one.