I hate cars...
Tailgate wiper has stopped working...Manual that came with the car: #Fuse 18
There is no fuse at #18 
Inside of fuse box cover: that's because it's at #41, hooray that explains everything //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
There is no fuse at #41 either //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif
So tomorrow I'm going to check whether there is power at the motor and take it from there...  Its probably hidden behind the flux capacitor! French or an ancient Brit car? 12 plate Skoda  Had you pegged as a BMW man..oh well Nah, I was the laughing stock of the forum for having a Kia Sedona 
Huge sigh of relief all round when I got a Skoda Octavia VRS Estate, but I'm getting the odd niggle with that.Still love it though... Open the tailgate and check the wires that come through into the tailgate from the roof...chances are there's a broken wire here. Rear wiper not working - suspect wiring
Apparently a common failure on these. £70 or so for a new motor... Not sure if it affected 12 plates but earlier ones the internal seal goes allowing water into the motor frying it. Someone thought it would be a good idea to run the water pipe through the middle. Well if there is no fuse at #41 that is a pretty big clue it isn't working...
I'll get my coat 