By miles insurance
Thinking of trying this company out for insurance its a pay as you drive policy just wondering if anyone has tried it.It comes with an app to track your car data etc. Just tried on mine and it is £90 a year more expensive. Must depend on the mileage you do etc but for me seems a good option as it's a second car and high insurance costs . Well apparently they can't insure me yet. A 43 year old with 16years NCB in a generally low risk area  I put in less mileage than my current insurer accepts and it was still £90 higher than my current premiums.Last year I did 1500 miles. The Tesla?
Or something else? Are they refusing the make and model rather than you and the area etc I wonder? Yeah, could well be the car rather than me or the area. I would think so. IME these pay by the distance companies need to restrict their exposure to risk to provide a cheaper service to a very carefully controlled pool of risk. Over here they refuse to quote rather than provide really high premiums to signal they don’t want your make and model at all.
If you have the right car and pattern of use they are cheaper - knowing what the exact matrix of criteria is can be a minefield though.
I find the likes of Youi here a pain to get a quote. They have so many things that effect the premium it takes ages to feed in. Is your car securely parked at work, is that on a weekday or weekend, do you use your car only at weekend, do you use dirt (non metalled) roads (we have many here that are “official” roads and they range from graded dirt to gravel to crushed salt and all with a few rocks thrown in), do you drive at dawn or dusk (kangaroo strikes), how often do you have eggs for breakfast - that sort of thing. If you give all the right answers you can save money.
I always wondered what happens if you say you do a low mileage and make a claim having done way more. Do they refuse the claim, or do they charge an additional premium, or reduce the pay out? Well I signed up a few weeks ago and so far all good and by far cheapest way to insure my car.But I've tried to get a quote on other cars and it won't quote so it seems quite picky.
Edit: For info I paid approx £230 up front and then its 4.9p a mile after that and ill likely do less than 4000 miles in a year.Closest i could get was £600 for a years insurance with other company's. I've often wondered how they would know? I've had a few policies over the years that specifically mention a mileage limitation but I've never been asked how many miles are currently on the car.