Squeal from rear wheels
Morning allFor a few weeks now I've had a squeal from my rear wheels everytime the car seems to of been sitting stationary for a period of time. I can get in it in the morning and as soon as I release the handbreak and pull away, it happens and then it will disappear after 20 seconds of driving or so.
However I have also heard it now and again only very slightly when traveling along at low speeds and coming to a gradual stop, not all the time though.
Now I've just noticed some spots of orange on my wheel cap so pulled it off and as attached, is what it looks like? Is that anything to do with it do you think or is that normal?
Another thing which makes me think it's handbrake related is, when I've been on a steep hill in the past and handbrake is fully up, the car has rolled a little which needed me to pull it up even further then I already did.
And I've always had this, not sure if it's bmw related but long before any squeals, when ever I've put my handbrake on, even on my driveway which has a minimal slope, the car would move forward or backwards a little and then settle, were talking minimal movement but an odd thing I noticed.
Any ideas?
Thanks Model and age of car? I’d be getting the brakes looked at. and possibly the bearings while he's at it. Handbrake needs stripping down, most likely pads have got rusty and starting to stick. BMW's have a drum style handbrake inside the brake disk itself. Make sure you park with the car in gear.That way if your handbrake slips the car won't roll away! Sorry, should of really mentioned age of car.
It's a bmw 320d 2012. Unless he jacks up the rear of the car 
Leaving it in gear will do diddlysquat! I don't understand this.
Leaving the car in gear will prevent the car from rolling away if the handbrake fails on everything but the steepest of inclines. He’s in a rear wheel drive car. If he jacks up the rear, the wheels that are in gear or held with handbrake will be in the air.