Audi RS4 specialist in London needed
Guys, I have a 2001 Audi RS4 which is in need of some specialist car and TLC. Can anyone please recommend a reliable specialist in London (ideally North of The River).I've taken the car to a few places where people have said they know the car well, then the first question they ask me is "is it a 4.2"?// They then return the car with additional issues 
Thanks I know someone in Herts, if that is any good? He himself drives an old skool S4 avant. Mjn, thanks sir. Where in Herts is he? And fact he drives an S4 himself is brilliant. Can you send me the details pls. You’ve got PM. not close by but would recommendMRC Tuning | Custom engine management and Rolling road dyno tuning for Audi, Seat, Skoda, Volkswagen, Porsche, Lamborghini, Mercedes MRC has been my go-to for the last 19 years. My S2, S4 and RS4. I was there 2 weeks ago, but something went wrong whilst they were doing my service and now the car doesn’t go over 40mph and I have oil in the engine bay.
I would go back there, but from London round the M25 and up the M40 at 40mph would be difficult  I hear the RS4 is receiving some TLC   Haha! You got to me before I could get to you.I was just going to thank you for the recommendation. Matt really does seem like a top guy. Although, the news he broke did make me cry all the way home[email protected]/png/64/1f625.png
Also, we both agreed, you need to come into the light. Sell the darkness of a car you have and embrace the OOOO. Yeah, i heard. Sad news. But he’ll sort it out properly for you.
And my next car will be one of the V8 M3 saloons. The RS4 just has too much to go wrong with it; that fancy AWD, fancy suspension, etc. But otherwise i’d love a B7 RS4 avant. I do every now and again have a browse and the yellow does look good. You definitely are correct about things going wrong with Audis. Although, mine is a very very old one, so it's to be expected. Although the circumstances on this time round a rather suspect!!!