The Dreamer Publish time 24-11-2019 22:40:32

Crikey! I can't see me being capable of driving one of these into my eighties!

Just a couple of seconds from 30-ish to 70had me giggling like a little kid - but I can't imagine doing that as my reactions slow down even more. Still, around town, it was pretty docile.

It doesn't take long to get into licence losing territory though, and I frequently found myself going quite a bit faster than I was aiming for - not helped by the rev counter and speedo being in switched positions from my Saab, so the speedo wasn't coming into my scan naturally. The rev guage being quite a bit larger than the speedo too.

It's getting an oil & filter change, along with a couple of rear tyres too, before I take delivery.

Happy birthday me!

DOBLY Publish time 24-11-2019 22:40:32

GT - effortless power, v. quick but still relaxing.Could drive to Marseille and back without causing fatigue in the driver.
Sports car - amazing performance, but you can tell that it likes having it's neck wrung - not at all as comfortable as a GT (obvs).You know you have done a couple of hundred miles - you need a rest (and to refuel).

Most cars in these categories are a combination of the two types, somewhere on the continuum, not purely GT or Sports car.

Happy Birthday!
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