BMW Servicing
Hi all,Last November 2018, I had a major service done on my BMW,
Engine oil service with microfilter, air filter & fuel filter
Plus I had the brake fluid service done.
I've drove around 7k since so can anyone advise what service is due this year? Would it be the standard service check or would it be the engine oil with microfilter?
Also on the bmw booking website for servicing it says recall for battery cable and price as inclusive? Does this mean I need to this done at their expense?
Thanks What car?
The iDrive will tell you what and when it is due. 320d. I'll Check idrive now.
Seems it's just the standard £70 vehicle check and mot due. Yup, MOT and Vehicle Check. Ok nice one, seems I need the battery cable doing aswell which I knew nothing about. But makes sense now as few weeks ago my car wouldn't unlock using the fob then it suddenly started working a few days later. Vehicle inspection
is the MOT. As above, vehicle inspection is the mot, vehicle check is BMW taking another £70-80 for an "enhanced" vehicle check. Complete waste of money and I just reset the counter as it's not a service history item. Oh, so essentially as I've had the major service done last November and the brake fluid change, I shouldn't or don't really need to do anything other than the mot this year? Just keep an eye on the brake pad wear sensors. Mine went from 70,000 miles to 1,500 miles  on the front. 