Anyone any experience with bimmercode app?
I've been looking at having a play with the Bimmer code app. Anyone tried this out and can give me any feedback?Already ordered the Vgate iCar Pro BLE 4.0.
Have a 430i convertible . It's pretty simple to use and has good customer service if things go wrong. Used it to code a couple things on my 420i GC is that similar to Carly app which ive heard good things about? Similar to Carly but even easier to use if just coding, advanced mode can be tricky but support is really good. I turned a few features on and coded enhanced Bluetooth in about 10 minutes.
Carly can do more if you pay for the extras. Main reason I brought it was to close wing mirror using FOB.
Anything anyone would advise at looking at changing?
I'll have a play with a few extra settings, won't be going in to the expert settings;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Enhanced Bluetooth
Stop Start button memory
Non interupt window closure
Radio off on door open
Google f30 cheatsheet and it'll list all the options and where to find them. Ok had a play and I just can’t get the mirrors to close with the FOB?
All settings correct and coded, I believe .
the car does have folding mirrors as you can do it by the switch in side the door.
Thanks Have you tired holding the lock button?
On my friends 440i I coded we had to take out the delay so that they folded with a single press of the button. Thanks I'll have a play after the rugby. I had tried holding the FOB close button but I'll remove any delay. Contacted support, reply, seems to be a problem in some convertibles and there is no solution at the moment unfortunately.
So guessing I'm at the moment one of the unlucky ones.