Cash purchase of new car - use PCP & then pay off immediately?
Planning a buying a new (factory order) Audi A6 Avant as an outright cash purchase. Drive The Deal comes out the cheapest for the spec I want but this is based on a PCP where Audi contribute £4k as deposit. An outright cash purchase is around £6k more. So am I right in thinking i should go for the PCP deal and then settle the loan almost immediately (within 14 days)? Should I mention anything about early settlement to DTD or the Audi dealer which DTD refer me to? How would I ensure that the final settlement figure from the finance company is the same as the DTD quote, less any deposit I've paid? Sorry, I'm new to PCP lark as I've always bought cars as outright cash purchases before.Cheers  I believe it's quite possible to do that, but can't advise on the intricacies. I've just requested a redemption figure on my 440i (PCP purchase in April this year). I'm expecting something by the end of the week and will let you know my thoughts. My last 2 new cars I did something similar.Always pay in full myself but being offered and extra £2-3K discount by taking out the BMW finance (I was about to walk away from the deal until they made the finance offer) and then paying off after a month seemed like a no brainer to me. When I sold Nissans, we advised people to use the PCP to get an FDA (finance deposit allowance) and settle up shortly afterwards without penalty. I think (think) they had to wait 2 months though.
No-one ever complained that it didn't work... :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I did this on a previous card. Audi offered a deposit payment and 2 free services if I took out the finance. I did that and then paid it off after making one payment (although you don't have to wait for that long).