Broken wires in the rubber boot that feed the cables from the boot back into the car seems common, but you need the boot open to access it! There's YouTube video showing removing the trim from the boot lid & tripping the lock but that obviously won't work if there's no power. Although you could then unbolt the lock from the boot & open it that way for further testing. well been flaffing around with it today....still no joy..found a 15 amp fuse blown so thought that was it....even though theres not a 'boot' fuse ...replaced that but still no joy...
crawled inside and tried to remove the boot door lining...cant even fullydo that without having to boot open
removed the lining enough to look inside and all wiring and connections that i can see look fine...removed the under bit with the number plate lights and bush button for the boot release and that looks ok.....little micro switch looking thing seem to click and operate ok...number plate light works fine.
can now only assume it's the lock mechanism itself which probably did'nt like being manually closed...or was closed the wrong way if thats possible?
still dont know how you are meant to manually open the boot if theres a problem?...saw that some models have a slot for a key under the number plate....which would be a good idea..
mine does'nt...apparently the newer models dont have them
reckon im going to have to take it to the nearest volvo dealer ........
drop my trousers..bend over and prepare myself :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Have you looked in the handbook? There is definitely a boot release from inside the boot.
If you can get at the wires that go to the boot switch try getting power to the 2 wires...undo the connector. Yeah couldn't find anything of any use in the handbook..plenty on doors but nothing on the boot.....have seen some videos on you tube where people have used a bit of wire to jump the connectors ...not so sure something like that would work if it's something 'mechanical' with the lock.....bit reluctant to try it until ive spoke to Volvo in case I short something out and cause more grief Given that it's well out of warranty I'd be inclined to try a local garage before Volvo. That video I posted shows which pins to short. I don't condone his scattergun method of shorting everything but it looks like he got lucky & found the connections to trip the lock. Yeah ..the thing is having messed around with the mechanical side of things i don't think it's an electricalthing.....I can just about get to a plate which is bolted to area of the lock...with 3 bolts...not sure if it reveals anything of the lock when removed....I'm going to have a look tomorrow..
Might ring the service dept of the Volvo dealer to see if they can give any ideas over the phone ....just it case it's something that can be done with a key Think I read they secure the lock to the boot. So removing the bolts & connector should allow the boot to open, leaving the lock in place. Don;t know if you can then manually release it somehow. Well finally got it sorted...not without a lot of grief first...
Had to crawl inside the boot andget a spanner in behind the boot lid lining...was a bit reluctant to undo all 3 bolts holding the lock in just case something dropped down or made things loosened them right off which released the boot lid a bit but not enough....then bit the bullet and removed them ..prised it off which released the boot more....but due to the poor light I hadn't disconnected a plug thingy.....which by now was even harder to remove....
Spent ages trying to get that off before the cables got stretched and damaged..couldn't get it off so traced it back to another socket ...whilst trying to disconnect it ....then..the boot suddenly released !
Great .....except I was now worried about closing it after much fiddling the lock shut and now I couldn't close it !
At the this point I'm thinking it must be something electrical ...bungied it closed again and took it to someone I know ....
After much testing it turned out to be cable broke inside the flexible conduit for the wiring at the boot hinge !.....which in turn was a pain to get to.
Anyway fixed now !