apolloa Publish time 24-11-2019 22:25:59

Yeap, agreed, I think BMW actually pulled a bit of a blinder rip the market up move with it's pricing on the car! But I guess it also depends on what standard kit it comes with compared to the competition?

[email protected] Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:00

OK so this is just the loaner whilst mine is in for service this week but as loaners go, this is something else.



It's a brand spanking new A7 S Line Bi Turbo (my own car is an A7 with the single turbo engine). Whilst it is very similar to my own car the engine is awesome.

But the icing on the cake?

It has speakers in the exhaust system which modifies the sound so that from both inside and out you would think you are driving a V8 petrol muscle car


Those 20" alloys do spoil the ride a little

imightbewrong Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:01

Out with the old:


And in with the less old:


gamingboy Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:02

I know that the speaker system is suppose to be the future as they look to move to more efficient engines which don't sound like a V8 naturally, but what's the system like?

NewBeetle Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:02


NewBeetle Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:03

What a beast, love the A7, I think it's currently one of Audi's best.

[email protected] Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:04

I have mixed views.

It really does work. There is no question that the sound this thing makes is incredible.

But in the back of your mind, you know it's fake


IronGiant Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:05

Pretty much kept the same colour then .

tazman007 Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:06

I'll carry on with the Audi A7 theme, this is mine just detailed with the Werkstat acrylic kit. Funnily enough, I don't mind the ride with the 20 inch wheels, but then I've come from a Mondeo ST with a lowered eibach suspension and that was a harsh ride compared to this.

imightbewrong Publish time 24-11-2019 22:26:07

Yes - I was going to make some before/after steroid abuse joke but in the end I couldn't be bothered 
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